Christian Faith Helps Couples Build A Stronger Marriage
Marriage and family are core aspects of God’s love for us all. But human frailty sometimes allows obstacles to get in the way of marital bliss and a foundational relationship with God. The vows that couples take are aimed at a lifetime of commitment. Unfortunately, it may not be someone else who becomes estranged. But by sharing Christian Faith and Fellowship, you can build a stronger, happier marriage.
Re-Examining Marriage through Faith
Consider the facts that we live in a physical world that you, as an individual, feel like the center. Everyday things happen. You get a raise at work, lose a job, get a flat tire, or enjoy your favorite musician’s new song on the radio. These things happen to you. If life were that simple, you would be the center of the universe. But, we know we are not life’s author.
By its very nature, marriage connects each one of use with another. On a small scale, that connection helps to create an US. In some ways, that reflects the greater relationship that we have with God. Both demonstrate that we occupy a place of humility and these ties are larger than our singular experience.
The Holy union was created as a loyal partnership and the core of family life. Physical expressions of love are in place to secure a deep intimacy between couples and the institution reflects God’s covenant with us. Marriage, and the joy it bestows on us in family love is a gift from God.
That’s why marriages are blessed by members of the clergy and the gathering of friends, family and loved ones. By understanding marriage as not just a human relationship, but as a gift from God, Christians can appreciate that the union is both Holy and Sacred.
Marriage as a Form of Fellowship
If we look at what Christian Fellowship truly means, it forms a mutual bond between the Faithful. That can include members of a Congregation and Christianity at large. But the relationship between husbands and wives is of tremendous importance. For couples that are struggling or desire to build a more fruitful Fellowship, the solution is simply investing in God’s love. These are some of the things that many devout Christian couples do that help solidify their bond.
- Worship Together:Participating in your local ministry as a family does not necessarily mean that you pray together. Many families serve in different capacities. While those are wonderful, take time to pray together. Those moments when you open your heart to God are both vulnerable and powerful. Sharing that experience can be incredibly affirming.
- Serve God As A Family:As a married couple, you can recount ordinary moments in which your spouse seemed larger than life. He or she may have been doing something routine and love just overwhelmed you. Serving God together can lead to those types of experiences. Working together or witnessing your life partner doing good works can reaffirm the core Christian life that you share.
- Serve Each Other:Far too many couples divide family work and consider that a duty. It’s important to not liken marriage to a job. Neither one of you punch a time card and get a weekly check. Marriage is life, 24/7. Service to God is also not a 40-hour per week chore. Serving each means delivering a message of love and understanding even when you are tested by daily stress. Focus on the good in each other and help one another where you can. Speak well about each other and pray for one another. Serve each other through love and understanding. Service equals devotion.
- Confess Your Marriage:There will be days when you fall short in the marriage. Whether that means becoming frustrated and curt or not taking the time to listen. Neither of you will be perfect every day. After reflection, take the time to sit and talk about your shortcomings. That confession can be a powerful expression of marital love. Truth is powerful.
- Learn Through Christ:Through Bible study and adopting the Teachings of Jesus Christ into your daily life, you can grow stronger together. You may not achieve the perfect marriage, but the striving for a Faith-based marital commitment is a daily marvel. That pursuit is a living expression of love that can keep the mutual bond alive, well and ready to meet life’s challenges.
All marriages face adversity at some point. Those based on Christian Faith have a powerful foundation of love, fellowship and a deep commitment to help hold them together.
~ Christian Patriot Daily