American Christians are breathing a bit easier these days, with allies like Donald Trump and Mike Pence leading the country. But that doesn’t mean we should let our guards down. Big Government atheists still permeate our state and federal governments and they are constantly on the prowl, looking to crush all public and even private displays of faith. Jesus wasn’t kidding when He said, “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake.” (Matthew 10:22)
Here are 6 ways that American Christians are still being harassed by Big Government – and we promise we won’t even mention Christian cake bakers.
- Pennsylvania Farm Harassed
Scott and Terri Fetterolf own a 32-acre farm in the Borough of Sewickly Heights. They recently received a cease-and-desist letter from the Borough for holding private prayer groups on their property, otherwise they’ll have to pay a $500 fine for each person in attendance.
The Fetterolfs also sell products, which is sort of what farms do, and host educational classes and private events. Pennsylvania has a notorious track record when it comes to Christian education – it was the last of the 50 states to finally legalize homeschooling in 1988. The Fetterolfs have filed an appeal in federal court but haven’t heard back yet.
- Ohio Sheriff’s Office Threatened
The Shelby County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office has a patch on all its uniforms which reads, “For God and Country.” That has the atheists at the national Freedom from Religion Foundation outraged. The FFRF sent a nasty letter to the Sheriff, demanding that the offensive patches be removed from the uniforms.
Letters from the FFRF are always a precursor to a federal lawsuit, if the Christian in the group’s sights doesn’t jump to comply immediately.
- Army Chaplains Face Prison Time
U.S. Army Chaplain Maj. Scott Squires and his assistant, SSG Kacie Griffin, have been charged with dereliction of duty for not attending or endorsing a lesbian “marriage” retreat. The Army claims that a lesbian soldier who asked the chaplains to attend was “denied a service due to her sexual orientation.”
Being chaplains licensed by the Southern Baptist Convention, Squires and Griffin are prohibited from endorsing homosexual relationships. In addition to violating their conscience, Squires and Griffin could have lost their endorsements from the Southern Baptists. Squires is facing 6 (SIX!) years in prison for the “offense.”
- Bible Distributor Threatened
A Christian distributing Bibles near an Illinois school has received a cease and desist letter from the school’s attorneys. The man was apparently on the street outside La Harpe Elementary School, but that was too close as far as the Freedom from Religion Foundation was concerned (those guys again). The FFRF sent one of its threatening letters to the school, so the school’s attorney sent the cease and desist to the Christian.
- California’s “Must Stay Gay” Bill
The California Senate has passed the so-called “Must Stay Gay” bill, AB2943, which would ban all homosexual conversion therapies. Critics believe the bill is so vaguely-worded that it will allow the state to shut down Christian bookstores for carrying any religious texts – including the Bible – that are critical of the sin of homosexuality. California’s Assembly is expected to pass the bill and then it will be sent to Gov. Jerry Brown.
Ironically, some LGBT legal groups are now asking Brown to veto the bill, realizing that if the state loses a First Amendment case in the now conservative-leaning Supreme Court, it will be a huge setback for the gay agenda.
- Maryland City Blocks Church Move
Redemption Community Church in Laurel, Maryland, sold its church property outside the city limits. The church planned to open a non-profit coffee shop and worship center on Main Street in Laurel. But just days after selling their property outside Laurel, the city government pulled a dirty trick and passed a brand-new law banning non-profits on Main Street.
The church has offered to sell coffee for a profit instead, but the city is now threatening a $200 per day fine if they hold church services in the building. The church is suing to overturn the discriminatory law that only came into being the moment they planned to move to Main Street.
Just because the church has a friend in the White House doesn’t mean we can rest easy. Please pray for all of the Christians facing these expensive legal battles right here in America.
~ Christian Patriot Daily