Jesus warned us about the deception of wolves who come in sheep’s clothing. That teaching may have never been so profoundly true as it is today. In this The Beat episode posted on YouTube, Allen G. Parr explains that Christians are being duped everyday about false teachings. And, what may shock millions is that these misrepresentations are happening right now inside the church!
Pointing to pertinent Bible passages, Parr highlights seven of the more disturbing falsehoods that some churches are pushing on their parishioners. It may seem outlandish to some church-goers, but there are actually preachers that insist each and every Christian is required to “speak in tongues” in order to gain everlasting salvation.
Pushing that idea to its extreme end, these so-called emissaries of God are telling people that if they fail to speak in tongues, they may not be true Christians. Thankfully, Parr points to key passages in the Bible that clearly dispel this false teaching. Romans 10:9 tells all Christians that you need only to confess and repent from our sins, believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. Anything else is a deliberate perversion of Christianity.
Take a few minutes to watch this segment of the The Beat on YouTube and find out the other six things that are being falsely taught to unassuming Christians in churches today. You will be stunned!