The Democratic Party and the CIA are doing whatever they can to force Americans into believing Russia hacked the election, altered the results and played a direct part in U.S. democracy. First of all, nobody in the United States would be surprised if this happened or if Russia attempted to do something like this.
Let’s be honest here. The United States has attempted to do this in elections around the world as well—President Obama just did this to Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. So alienating Russia on this idea alone simply shows Democrats and the CIA believe Americans are dumb or can’t remember history.
While it is possible Russia did hack the DNC’s email accounts this wouldn’t be anything out of the ordinary—foreign governments are constantly trying to do this. However, it is important to remember some other parts of history before we all take the CIA’s word as fact.
Of course, before we get into past history, it’s important to point out the major problem Democrats seem to have with emails. Hillary trashes tens of thousands of emails, an employee posts to Reddit on “how to completely delete emails without a trace” and now this.
Beyond the fact that Democrats are struggling with early 90s technology, we all remember the Vietnam War and the claim of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Right? Both wars came about because of “intel” from the CIA.
The CIA seems to have a hidden agenda it tries to push, even at the expense of American lives. Find out why else we shouldn’t blindly trust anything the CIA tells us anymore.