There is no war on Christianity. There is no left-wing agenda to keep political power out of the hands of self-identified Christians. The left does not continually condemn Christian beliefs while endorsing other major religions like Islam.
Also, the hundred million Muslims who believe that violence, death and destruction are the most important ways to serve their god are not a danger to anyone. While we’re at it, dozens of socialist economies haven’t failed, and none of them led to mass starvation.
It’s difficult to say which of these statements is the most absurd, but all of them are deliberate falsehoods. Today, we’re going to tackle the war on Christianity. It has peaked its head in Congress, and it was public and deliberate enough that the left can no longer deny it without telling very large lies.
The Events
Everything came to a head during a confirmation hearing for Russell Vought. During the hearing, Senator Bernie Sanders fired a slew of questions at Vought. These questions were centered around a paper Vought wrote for Wheaton College over a year ago. In the paper, Vought defended the college and countered points made by Larycia Hawkins. Vought argued that Islam itself is a “deficient” faith because it is not centered on belief in the divinity of Jesus.
As Sanders continued his line of questioning, he became increasingly heated until he directly asked Vought his views on the afterlife. Because Vought views his faith as the only way into heaven (as do all religions), Sanders condemned Vought as Islamophobic and voted against him.
Sanders’ opinion is that Vought’s religious beliefs make him unfit for office. In Sanders’ own words, someone “who has expressed such strong Islamophobic language is simply unacceptable.” In short, Sanders views any dissent with Islamic doctrine as unacceptable and making one unfit for public office.
The Legal Issue
There are many problems with what Sanders did and said, but we’ll start with the obvious legal boundaries. Article VI of the Constitution is direct and clear on the matter, “no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
Sanders’ questioning could have been in the gray area at first, but he when he unequivocally asked Vought his belief on the afterlife, he unmistakably crossed the line. Moreover, it is specifically Vought’s belief in life after death that Sanders has condemned. There is no mistaking that this was a test of religion, and in Sanders’ eyes, Vought has failed the test. In his efforts to attack every decision Trump makes, Sanders has made himself unfit for office, and rather than a religious condemnation, the Constitution itself is the accuser.
The Hypocrisy
Even if the Constitution wasn’t completely cut and dried on the issue, this is still extreme hypocrisy. Vought’s belief is completely commonplace. One of the core tenets of Christianity is that faith in Christ is the only way to heaven. This exclusivity is not unique to Christianity. All major religions claim to be the only way to paradise in the afterlife, and well over half of the world’s population subscribes to such beliefs in one form or another. One of the key differences is that Vought views that conflicting doctrines only bring condemnation in the afterlife. Compared to Islam, this is tame.
While it is a religion that also portrays judgment after death, Islam is the largest religion that directly promotes violence against dissenters. According to the Quran, most people have to wait until the end of days to be judged, but any soldier who dies killing infidels is guaranteed immediate access into heaven. This is the religious motivation spurning several million terrorists across the globe. And yet, according to Sanders any condemnation of this belief structure is “Islamophobic” and unacceptable.
More Propaganda
This is really just the next step in the left’s push to destroy Christianity. For years they have conflated common religious beliefs with racism and bigotry. Now, they have finally made a public declaration that any belief in God is immoral and unacceptable. Even while condemning they contradict themselves and fanatically support the most violent religion on Earth. This, of course, all boils down to votes. The Democrats have distanced themselves so far from a reasonable moral base that they have effectively alienated Christian voters. In order to sustain those losses, they need to radically pursue minority religions, and they are happy to live in the contradictory practice of condemning Christianity while upholding all other faiths.
~ Christian Patriot Daily