Castro recently died in Cuba this past week. Anyone who knows about the former dictator knows exactly how treacherous the man was. There is a reason why not only so many Cuban nationals immigrated to the United States, but openly celebrated his death. Yet, it is incredible just how many people are not aware of the numbers of people he killed, arrested and tortured.
The radical left have tried to glamorize Fidel Castro’s life and everything they say he did for his people. Even the Canadian Prime Minister put out a statement, indicating just how sorry he was for the loss of Fidel Castro. Obviously he either doesn’t know history or he’s just blind to the facts.
More information recently surface, showing how Bernie Sanders actually discussed the dictator in an interview from the late 1980s. In the interview, Bernie Sanders said that just because Ronald Regan does not like Fidel Castro does not mean the rest of the U.S. shouldn’t like him, and that Cuban nationals most likely loved the man.
Not even close. Perhaps Mr. Sanders did not realize at the time that this dislike did not began with Ronald Regan, but in fact it dates all the way back to John F. Kennedy, the Democrat.
Bernie Sanders wanted to become President of the United States but openly supported Castro. It seems Bernie isn’t the great guy Millennials and the Left thought he was. Watch the scary things Bernie has to say about the violent dictator he refers to as “great.” It’s scary to think this man could have been the next president of our country.