As Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has recently pointed out, Democratic policies designed to maintain the impoverished communities and lives of black Americans continue to fail them at a basic level; the economic livelihood of black Americans and neighborhoods essentially remains unchanged from their status 40 or even 50 years ago.
The programs championed and promoted by Democratic politicians have failed to lift black Americans out of poverty or to improve their lives in meaningful ways. Programs such as welfare and food stamps, instead of making significant changes in black lives, have left communities dependent on the government for handouts and on Democratic politicians for promises of change that all too often turn out to be marginal or illusory.
As opposed to the Republican Party, whose first president, Abraham Lincoln, freed slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation, the Democrats have a centuries-long history of maintaining a stranglehold over urban populations with their machine politics.
Meet Elbert Guillory the state senator from Louisiana who is fed up with liberal policies ruining the lives of black Americans. His bold move to become a Republican senator is shaking up Congress. See why he says the GOP is the party of Freedom.