Liberals and the left leaning media are grasping at straws and will likely do so until President-Elect Trump officially takes office. Will it stop then? Hard to say, but with the level of hail marry attempts going on right now is out of this world.
Now, the left is putting its remaining eggs into the proverbial basket of Russia hacked the election and caused Trump to win. Recently, Reince Prebius, the selected Chief of Staff for Donald Trump went on NBC’s Meet the Press to discuss this topic with host Chuck Todd regarding these conspiracy theories.
Chuck Todd used an article from left leaning newspaper New York Times stating that it believed Russia made attempts at influencing the election. First, there are some major problems with this. For starters, the NYT used unnamed sources with an incomplete assessment.
If you tried to hand in a research project with unnamed sources and didn’t even finish the project, you’d fail, yet the newspaper is attempting to pass it off as fact. Even so, let’s say the unnamed sources are real sources. Not naming sources is nothing new in the newspaper industry.
The next key aspect is “made attempts.” What is an attempt? You attempted to win the lottery with a ticket the other day. You attempted to make a basket from half court. An attempt means failure, because if it worked the newspaper would have used the term “successfully influenced.” An attempt is nothing but failure. Watch Reince Prebius complete destroy the liberal host and shoot down these conspiracy theories completely.