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Canada’s Trudeau Pushes Anti-Christian Agenda

Self-proclaimed Catholic Justin Trudeau shows none of the devotion to God of his famous father. Instead, the upstart Canadian prime minister appears out of his depth as he pushes a secular, anti-Christian public policy. Justin Trudeau is a dangerous man at a dangerous time for Christians.

Son of Pierre Trudeau, who authored Canada’s Charter of Rights in 1982, the progressive politician rose to office with nothing but a background as a fitness instructor and part-time night club security staffer. He rode his father’s prime minister legacy into office.

Unlike his Jesuit-educated father who strengthened the country’s courts with the Charter, the prodigal son has used that magnificent document to strip away religious rights. Onlookers can only speculate that the young Trudeau is either carrying out a late adolescent rebellion, or he has shifted so far away from the Gospel he no longer stands with people of faith.

Trudeau Pushes Canada toward Atheism

As evidence to his anti-Christian agenda, Trudeau and his trendy cabinet of progressives handed down a litmus test for a summer jobs program. The application required Canadians to confirm whether they support gay marriage, abortion, and even transgenderism.

It was a straight ideology test that deliberately marginalized Christian, conservative values. Check a box the secular administration doesn’t like . . . no job. When asked, the cavalier prime minister says he’s “Catholic.” He knows full well the answer will garner millions of votes.

Trudeau has gone as far as to promote his Christianity to Canadian voters. In his 2014 book, “Common Ground,” he writes his faith was restored after the tragic death of his brother and attending services.

“I was schooled by Jesuits to a certain extent and my father certainly was Jesuitical in his thinking. So, I’m always up for a great theological conversation and debate. The Alpha course – the message there was: Don’t feel you have to do it all alone. Put your trust in God every now and then. Be comfortable about saying I need help. And recognize that. It came at exactly the right time. Trusting in God’s plan. For someone as rational and scientific and logical and rigorous as I am to accept the unknowable and to re-anchor myself in faith was really, really important to me. And ended up being of solace at a very difficult time. Since that moment, I still consider myself and have re-found myself of a deep faith and belief in God,” his memoir reads.

However, his policies stand in stark contrast to any fellowship with the church.

Trudeau Cuts Off Christian Organizations

In many ways, the summer jobs application was a peak at the secular policies that form the bedrock of Trudeau’s administration. The prime minister has pushed a similar “values test” regarding government funding and accreditation.

Under the progressive, Canada is in the midst of a religious backlash similar to the one the U.S. suffered under President Obama.

In the United States, religious institutions were summarily cut off from taxpayer-funded grants, even if the use supported the community at large. The iconic example was Trinity Lutheran Church’s application for a children’s play ground grant the community of Columbia, Missouri, would have enjoyed.

The case went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court before recently appointed conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch balanced the scales by setting the Christian organization on equal footing with secular ones. Under Trudeau, Canada mirrors the anti-Christian sentiments of secularists such as Obama.

In Canada, a proposed Christian-based law school recently lost a court battle to remain on equal footing with its secular counterparts. The left-leaning Canada Supreme Court backed Trudeau’s anti-Christian agenda. The court ruled that accreditation can be withheld based on the school’s Christian values and graduates could be denied a law license.

The court’s skewed reasoning demonstrates that it is forcing secularization.

On the one hand, the court says the school’s adherence to the Bible-based prohibition against fornication was discriminatory. This was based on an LGBT worldview and sidesteps the fact that students would be making a decision to agree of their own free will.

To say once a person has earned a law degree they can be denied a license is simply a way to stop the Christian law school from operating. That is discrimination.

From the court’s 7-2 ruling, the pair of dissenting justices had this to say.

“Approval of (Trinity Western University’s) proposed law school would not represent a state preference for evangelical Christianity, but rather a recognition of the state’s duty… to accommodate diverse religious beliefs without scrutinizing their content,” they wrote.

In another telling case, a Christian summer camp in Alberta was denied funding when it declined to support abortion in Trudeau’s “values test.”

Conservative Party member Candice Bergen has decried Trudeau’s shunning of Christian organizations that enrich children’s lives and also help homeless Canadians. The Parliament member was particularly outraged that the Trudeau Administration has instead awarded funding to Muslim groups, despite open anti-Christian and anti-Jewish rhetoric.

Simply put, Trudeau is willing to fund radical hate speech but not the works of Christian community members. These are dangerous times for Christians in Canada as the Trudeau agenda denounces Christian values while claiming he’s a man of faith. Mr. Trudeau, you cannot be for AND against God.

~ Christian Patriot Daily

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