During the presidential election, Hillary Clinton put out an Anti-Trump advertisement telling the United States “our children are listening.” The commercial took a few random clips of an impassioned Donald Trump speaking at a campaign rally. Essentially, Hillary Clinton wanted to make people ashamed to vote for Donald Trump because of his passionate speeches that were not always politically correct.
Now, there are a few issues with this. Beyond the fact that most of the video clips were completely out of context. For starters, how many five year olds are sitting there, watching a news debate, understanding what is going on and absorbing everything. So no, “our children are not watching.” But still, they wanted to use this as an advertisement. Fine. The problem is, if they want to make a big deal of the children watching, they need to stick to this idea. The liberal left certainly hasn’t.
Mrs. Lovejoy, the wife to Reverend Lovejoy on The Simpsons is often heard saying “will someone please think of the children!” The liberal left wanted you to think of the children, but then forget about the children when they are talking. During the recent Woman’s March across the country, many prominent female musicians and performers gave speeches to individuals at the march. The problem is, what they said certainly is not for a children’s ears. What they said is far more vulgar, inappropriate and crude.
What exactly did they say? Check out the video to find out.