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China Threatens U.S. What Will Trump Do?

I’m not sure how this started, but all of our past presidents have taken a rather odd approach with China—they treat the country with kid gloves. It’s like everyone is afraid to say anything negative or scold them too forcefully. No one speaks out against them, they let them get away with everything.

As he’s done with everything else, President Trump refuses to follow his predecessors lead. Instead of speaking softly about China, he has come out swinging against them—hard. He’s even talked to the leader of Taiwan—something no past president has ever done.

China and Taiwan have a very heated history. China sees it as part of the People’s Republic of China, while Taiwan sees itself as its own private nation. It’s a rather sticky situation. All of our past presidents (including President Obama) have never acknowledged Taiwan—they only deal with China. But in true Trump fashion, America’s newest president bucked tradition which sent China flying off the handle with threats and nasty remarks. I guess he found the quickest way to piss China off!

People want to point towards Russia as the boogie man. It’s as though there is this 1950s notion that hasn’t ended yet. Having a friendly connection with Russia would be excellent for the entire world.

Yet for some reason avoiding confrontation or calling out China is viewed as necessary, even though China is the cause of major humanitarian issues—among other things. This is a major reason why the U.S. needs to right its debt problem in order to move out from under the boot of China.

China is warning the U.S. to stay the course. Find out how Trump’s new Secretary of State plans to deal with China in the future—this could be big.

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