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CIA Director Issues Dire New Warning to America on Terrorism

Many would call a Hillary Clinton presidency an Obama 2.0. She has made it clear that she won’t deviate from his major points, which means his failures will be perpetuated by her election.

While he has many, his greatest failure just might by how he has handled ISIS. The terrorist organization has accrued most of its current power and influence precisely through Obama’s mismanagement of the U.S. armed forces. In their now global state of power, they, and other organizations, have successfully implemented terror attacks across Europe by infiltrating Syrian refugees.

Just recently, another attack was thwarted by German Intelligence. While the left will herald this as a reason to allow more refugees, inexplicably enough, it shows that this is a tactic that will continue to be employed.

Hillary will open America to more refugees, even though she has privately admitted that securing them is impossible. She will do it to look good, even if it ends up costing American lives.

The one thing she managed to show the world during her time as Secretary of State was that she does not value American life, especially when protecting people could come at the expense of protecting her image. If you have any doubts, just listen to the words of the director of the CIA in this video.

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