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CNN Anchor Can’t Hide This Disheartening Fact about Hillary Clinton

Is Hillary Clinton telling the truth when she says in public speeches that she wants to hold banks accountable for their actions and make sure they serve the public interest?

According to new Wikileaks revelations, this is not what Clinton really believes. In fact, as this CNN clip shows, in a paid speech to investment bank powerhouse Goldman Sachs, Clinton specifically said that “Politics is like a sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it has always been that way.”

Furthermore, Clinton said that as a politician dealing with voters and financial firms, “you need both a public and a private position.” This is exactly the worst fear of people such as her Democratic cohorts Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and probably the reason why she chose neither of them to be her vice-presidential running mate.

If she becomes president, you can count on Clinton to be beholden to her banking special interests and to let them “self-regulate,” at the expense of consumer and investor protection. This is further proof that she will put the desires of the financial institutions first, above the interests of middle-class savers and depositors — just one more reason why Clinton deserves no one’s vote on Election Day.

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