Was it just an off-the-cuff joke? Or did CNN anchors actually suggest that non-Muslim women in America should attempt to don hijabs “just for the heck of it”?
On social media and websites, a strong push financed by global elitists such as shadowy billionaire George Soros have tried to persuade Americans that anything to do with multiculturalism and open borders is a good thing. That includes promoting culture and habits of Muslims, even though restrictive attire of that religion is often seen in Western eyes as symbols of oppression of women.
In Saudi Arabia, for instance, Muslim women are not allowed to leave the house uncovered, and unmarried females are not allowed to venture anywhere unaccompanied by male relatives. In many Muslim countries, the hijab, the niqab and the abaya (full black cloak) are not optional items of clothing, but are mandatory ones. In Iran, rebellious young women have been arrested and jailed for simply posting pictures on social media of their uncovered heads.
For most of the world’s women, the hijab is NOT a symbol of feminism, nor is it empowering. For these news anchors to joke about such symbolism and suggest that Americans should treat it lightly is repugnant.
The goal of many globalists is to increase acceptance of Muslim culture in an effort to destabilize individual national sovereignty and weaken countries’ (such as the U.S.’s) national security and economy so that a small group of elites can profit.
Watch CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota suggest non-Muslim women in America begin wearing a hijab to support Muslim women in the clip below. Judge for yourself whether or not her remark was a joke or a sincere plea to women.