The mainstream media has seemingly lost its way in recent years. It is hard to exactly pinpoint when this happened, but with the crossroads of social media and 24-hour news coverage, media outlets discovered in order to remain relevant and to maintain eyes (and, more importantly advertising dollars) it has to blow smaller issues out of proportion.
Due to this, Donald Trump has been very, very good for the liberal mainstream media news outlets. Donald Trump doesn’t just sit around and let things go. If he sees an injustice take place he will let people know about it.
In recent days, Mike Pence went to see the Broadway show Hamilton, the cast gave a public statement to the Vice President-Elect and Donald did not believe it was the right forum to do so and he said in a tweet that it was “rude.” Akin to bothering a favorite celebrity while they are attempting to eat dinner. It is rude and there are better ways to approach someone.
However, the mainstream media has completely blown the situation out of the water, making it seem like Donald Trump tweeting about it is the biggest issue to ever face the country since Pearl Harbor.
The problem here is when media outlets are screaming at the top of their lungs regarding a tweet, what will they do when something important actually happens? There is only so loud you can yell. Watch conservative journalist Ben Shapiro mock CNN and the rest of its liberal panel over their blatant media bias against Donald Trump.