For the last month since President-Elect Trump won the presidency, Democrats have not stopped at complaining, and finding whatever reason they can to show their disapproval for anything Trump says or does. The crying about the election has turned into just a waste of time at this point.
Instead of focusing on who did or did not win the election, the only real way the country can grow is if people come together and support the president. Republicans backed President Obama when he first took office, of course once he started to churn out clunkers like Obamacare and other bills Republican senators rightfully turned on him.
Thankfully, there are some intelligent Democrats out there who not only understand it is time to come together, but who are willing to actually put their bias aside and give Donald credit where credit is due—especially when it comes to Trump’s picks for his administration.
Senator Manchin, a Democrat from the state of West Virginia, was interviewed for his thoughts on Trump’s pick for the Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry. West Virginia’s main export is coal so this administration pick was important to him.
Watch Senator Manchin’s interview with Fox Business below. He is asked about what he thinks about Trump’s cabinet picks being mostly established people with strong ties to Washington and his answer is thrilling.