Mudslinging is nothing new to politics, and it is especially not new to this election cycle. The candidates have made it clear that nothing is off limits. As the debates come back into swing, there will be no shortage of blatant attacks on character, physique and anything else the candidates and their staff can muster.
The frustrating, and telling part of this, is in the literal research invested. Clinton’s campaign crew are spending time, money and effort to find ways to attack Trump’s physical status in an attempt to win a debate.
Those resources could be used to refine policy or actually analyze the finances of some very bold promises. If Clinton and her allies really believed in their message or that free tuition, higher minimum wage and capital gains taxes could really fix the country, they probably wouldn’t feel so compelled to stake their entire debate plan on the size of Trump’s hands.
It is a show of desperation, probably born of the fact that hard evidence of corruption will continue to plague the Clinton campaign. It seems the country can’t go a week without a new slew of condemning evidence, and despite the rising turmoil across the country, Hillary can’t escape the ever less flattering limelight.