“Diversity is our strength” has been turned into the new unofficial motto of the United States. It seems you cannot turn on the television, do your laundry or go out for an ice cream cone without tripping over this little phrase.
Diversity quotas can now determine whether or not you get a job, whether you get into college and whether your company lands a government contract. This is fascinating to Christians since diversity is a lie from the pit of hell and it historically has always led to civil war and mass bloodletting.
Diversity, or the lack thereof, is one of the main excuses we hear from “elites” as they continue to demand mass immigration into the United States. We’re constantly told that America is not diverse enough to suit them.
What they’re really saying is there are just too many white people in America. Never mind the fact that their ancestors founded and built this country. America is an immoral country, they insist, because it doesn’t have enough Pakistani goat herders, Somali pirates or Honduran strawberry pickers.
The liberal histrionics over the election of Donald Trump is proof that America will not survive as an intact nation for very many more decades. It cannot, because too much diversity has been forced on the nation. People naturally have in-group preferences – they want to live around their own relatives or tribe. As America is increasingly carved up into racial boundaries, due to mass immigration, the finite amount of political power will be carved up into increasingly smaller chunks until one group or another decides to break off from the republic. To quote WB Yeats, “The centre cannot hold.”
If you doubt this, look at the evidence. The loudest champions of “diversity” are often the most race-preferential individuals you will encounter in life. Atlanta attained a 51% majority of black citizens in 1970 and has elected black mayors ever since then. The majority in Atlanta does not want diversity when it comes to electing their leaders. Try running for mayor in Atlanta as a Native American, Hispanic or white person. Good luck!
If you tried to invent the most anti-American political candidate possible in a vat in your underground laboratory, it would be difficult to top Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from Minnesota. The newly-elected Democrat was born in Mogadishu and is a zealous hijab-wearing Muslim. She thinks the Jews caused 9-11 and she used to write op-eds for black ethno-nationalist Louis Farrakhan’s magazine.
Ms. Omar could care less about the US Constitution or the Rights of Englishmen, such as freedom of speech or the right to a trial by jury. She’s there to help usher the Caliphate into the United States. Omar is not in Congress to represent “Americans.” She’s there to represent “her people” and she’ll gladly tell you that.
White candidates in a huge swath of California, from the San Fernando Valley all the way down to San Diego, stand very little chance of getting elected to any position higher than dog catcher. That’s because that section of California has been turned into northern Mexico in everything but name. And they’ve got the corrupt, dysfunctional government to prove it!
The people demanding “diversity” don’t really want diversity and they don’t believe in it. If they did, they’d be demanding that Nigeria take in several hundred-thousand Swedes, or that China accept an influx of refugees from Venezuela. But they’re not calling for that. They only want “diversity” to happen in America and in majority-white European nations. The diversity cultists are just fine with non-white countries being homogenous. What they really want is political power.
God’s wisdom, as always, is perfect in this matter. In Deuteronomy 17:15, the Israelites were urged to appoint a king over themselves, and God gave them a command for this:
“You shall surely set a king over you whom the Lord your God chooses; one from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not set a foreigner over you, who is not your brother.”
Satan’s command would be the opposite, obviously: Set foreigners to rule over you; let people who are not your own decide your children’s future.
No one wants to be ruled over by foreigners. Yet that is what is increasingly coming to America, thanks to the “diversity” religion that has captivated large segments of the public. Mass immigration will only accelerate the inevitable breaking apart that nations go through when they become too “diverse.”