We always knew some cities like New York were corrupt, but who knew they were this bad! What better person to speak on the subject of voter fraud than New York Board of Elections Commissioner Alan Schulkin, who was caught on camera here speaking about the subject — probably too candidly for his own good.
Schulkin freely admits that the Democratic Party doesn’t wish for voters to need identification when they go to vote. He goes on to say that there are parties (we can safely assume he means the Democrats, who have ruled New York politics for more than a century) which bus people around from polling station to polling station on Election Day, so they can vote multiple times, heavily distorting the results.
He gives a perfect example of that, pointing out that someone dressed in a Muslim burqa head covering would not be questioned when they go to vote and thus, almost anyone could go into a voting center wearing such an outfit and vote — even people who are from out of state, or even out of the country.
This is a mockery of the Democratic process, and given the importance of this election and the enormous implications it has for our country’s direction, it’s scary and simply outrageous that this practice is allowed to continue.