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Election Recount Blows Up in Hilarious Fashion

Jill Stein, the head of the Green Party, has been pushing for election recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Why someone who received less than one percent of the vote would ask for a recount really only highlights one thing: she is a pawn for the Democratic Party.

Otherwise there is no reason at all for her to do it. There is no motive. And people who think Hillary is going to magically swoop in and win one, if not all three states (she’d have to flip all three states for it to even matter) clearly don’t understand what is going on.

Outside of Stein being a pawn for the liberals, why is there even a recount going on at all? Because there were more blank presidential ballots than normal. This means someone voted for the local elections but not the Presidential Election.

It’s really not a big secret that the two individuals who ran for president did not generate as much positive buzz respectively as previous candidates, so more people were more likely to carry out their civic duty without casting a vote for president. Not hard to understand at all. Only thing to worry about with these recounts is liberals trying to add Hillary’s name to the ballots.

So liberals are thinking it is going to throw out “rigged” ballots. Outside of it being proven that this is false, the recount is not an audit. It’s just counting votes. The entire processing is just going to be a complete waste of time and money. Interested in just how ridiculous this recount his? Watch the video for more insights.

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