Just about everyone knows Hillary Clinton is a crook, a liar and just puts on a facade in front of voters in order to trick them into voting for her.
Ultimately, the best way to determine someone’s character is not what they do when they know the camera is rolling. It is how they treat those who are tasked with helping them, such as, in this case, secret service agents.
These brave men and women are charged with keeping a person, or persons, safe from all possible threats. Recently, Hillary Clinton’s former secret service agent, who spent 12 years with her in the White House and externally, has come forward to reveal just what her true character is.
Now, nobody is going to say Bill Clinton is a standup individual. He’s not. He cheated on his wife with multiple individuals, often forcefully. This is beyond what he did as a president.
However, as Hillary’s former secret service agent has stated, Bill and Hillary went to bed one night, had a heated argument, valuable vases were destroyed during the argument (which comes out of the American taxpayers’ pocket) and in the morning, Bill had a visible black eye he attempted to conceal with makeup.
This is just one incident of many, but the factor of the matter is, Hillary has harped on Donald for not having the demeanor to become President of the United States, while she is punching her husband in the face. This is assault, which, had Donald done this, he would have been arrested. Just another case of Hillary skating above the law.
Watch what Hillary’s former Secret Service agent says about his time with her in the White House.