Scientists with the United Nations have announced with much fanfare that humanity only has another century to live. Global warming – or ‘climate change’ or whatever they’re calling it this week – is going to kill us all unless we turn over massive resources and wealth to the UN immediately. Americans would have to pay a tax of $249 per gallon of gas to the UN if we hope to “save the world.”
Meanwhile, in Houston, TX, a company sought to open the nation’s first brothel staffed entirely by human-shaped robots. The Houston City Council was apoplectic and outraged, and immediately passed a new ordinance banning robot brothels. The secularists of the City Council could give no logical, ethical or moral reason for banning what would normally – in their religious view – be considered an equipment rental business. They just felt that they needed to ban it.
These two recent examples demonstrate why the field of science desperately needs to rediscover Christianity. When divorced from the reality of nature and existence, science amounts to little more than attempts at magic in the hands of scientists. Angered that women pay them no attention, scientists work feverishly to build mechanical companions for themselves.
Furious that Christians revile the concept of abolishing nations and establishing a one-world government, they insist that the weather will kill us a hundred years from now if we do not immediately put them in power.
They are playing God and falling into the temptation offered to Eve in the Garden of Eden: “For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5)
The church has been largely pigeonholed into refuting evolution when it discusses science at all. This has done a great disservice to humanity. Science is an important tool for discovering God’s creation and for taking dominion over the earth.
It’s also an important framework for scientific ethics. Look what we get without Christian ethics. Divorced from Christianity, science rushes to doomsday scenarios and pornography, while it’s not flailing around trying to somehow disprove the Bible.
When tied to public policy, scientists manipulate climate data to try to impose their will on us. “We’re doomed! Unless you pay us.” Is there anything meaningful that we can learn about climate when scientists have this mindset?
How much richer and more meaningful would knowledge of climate and the pursuit of new understanding be, if scientists realized from the outset that God has promised to never again destroy the earth for Man’s sake? (Genesis 8:21) Wouldn’t an honest search for meaning be far preferable to prophecies of doom – in ten years, no less?
And by outlawing robotic brothels with no moral underpinning for doing so, the Houston City Council has opened the door for a secular court to legalize robotic brothels nationwide. “We just really, really didn’t want that business to exist” is not a sound legal argument.
Modern secular lawmakers are hesitant to wade into this debate because Christian ethics related to purity and defilement are the only framework through which the ‘scientific’ development of robot prostitutes can be addressed.
If we pass a law against people renting sex robots, they correctly wonder, don’t we then have to overturn “legalized” adultery and homosexuality? If homosexuals are allowed to marry, what is there to stop the inevitable push for men or women to marry their robots?
These may sound like silly questions, but they are ones that the church and local, state, and federal governments will be asked – sooner, rather than later. We’d better be ready to answer them.
Alabama is mocked for its ban on vibrators, but the state’s Supreme Court has upheld the ban on legal and moral grounds based in Christian ethics. Isn’t a vibrator simply a much smaller, less complex robot? Committing treason against one’s family through the sin of adultery is still a Class 3 misdemeanor in Arizona.
Even liberal Massachusetts, which was one of the first states to legalize homosexual “marriage,” still considers unnatural and lascivious acts a felony offense (loosely defined, but such a statute could be used as precedent for opposing robot hookers).
The church needs to be thinking about these issues and speaking out forcefully on them. We are faced with government by scientists who will lie to steal power from the people on one hand, and a scientific community that is ready to deal a death blow to our already-declining birth rates on the other with robot companions.
Global warming, robot prostitutes, human cloning, injecting humans with nanotechnologies, and other lies and abominations are here. These issues are not creeping up on us so much as running over us at high speed. Are you prepared with an answer for the hope that is in you?
~ Christian Patriot Daily