The shooting massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs demonstrates that now, more than ever, Christians need to be ready to defend their life and their faith, and that includes arming themselves.
Following the loss of 27 God-loving Christians (Most publications say 26. They don’t count the unborn baby that died when the pregnant mother was killed) and many suffering wounds in area hospitals, gun control advocates couldn’t resist the opportunity to roll out the same tired arguments that rights need to be curbed. They seemed to pay only the appearance of empathy for the victims’ families as they chomped at the bit to stake out political ground.
But the unfortunate reality for the anti-gun crowd was that NRA member Stephen Willeford fended off the assailant with an AR assault rifle of all things. If it were not for the brave actions of this Good Samaritan and his firearm, the death toll would undoubtedly be much higher. The only thing stopping the maniac was a gun-carry, churchgoing Texan with a mandate to protect others. Willeford is far from alone in his views about taking Jesus Christ into his heart and remaining vigilant.
Christians More Likely to Carry Firearms
The Pew Research Center released data culled from a Connecticut-based poll that indicates White Evangelicals are more like than others to own firearms. Approximately 41 percent of Evangelicals in a state considered an anti-gun hotbed owned firearms compared to the 30-percent average.
White Evangelicals that own a handgun overwhelmingly carry it on them. Upwards of 65 percent actively carry handguns as a safety measure and 46 percent favor open or concealed carry in public places.
The Pew data also pointed out that 25 to 33 percent of other religious denominations own firearms. Approximately 33 percent of White Mainline Protestants enjoy gun ownership. Upwards of 29 percent of Black Protestants, 24 percent of Catholics and about 29 percent of unaffiliated church-goers own weapons. These gun enthusiasts are also very likely to be members of the NRA. In the more Conservative Lone Star State, parishioners bringing weapons to church is not considered out of the ordinary.
In a recent interview, First Baptist Church of Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress told Fox & Friends that attendees are commonly armed, and the presence of guns creates a safety measure.
“I’d say a quarter to a half of our members are concealed carry. They have guns, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that,” he reportedly said. “They bring them into the church with them.”
Research conducted by Pew before the Texas tragedy indicated that 40 percent of Evangelicals believed “that putting more emphasis on God and morality in school and society is the most important thing that could be done to prevent future mass shootings.”
Why it’s Time for More Christians to Arm Themselves
Regardless of group opinions about gun laws, the irrefutable reality is that the Sutherland Springs murders was among more than a dozen mass attacks over the last few decades.
A violent rampage by Dylan Roof resulted in nine dead at Mother Emanuel AME in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015. The National Church Shooting Database shows that 139 shootings occurred between 1980 and 2005, resulting in 185 dead, 36 of which were children. The one common denominator that runs through all of these heinous acts was that either the killer stopped of their own accord, or someone shot back.
That idea isn’t anything new to the Faithful. In Colonial America, states such as Virginia had laws in the 1600s requiring citizens to own a firearm and practice publicly on Holy days. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts levied fines against anyone who did not possess a firearm. These laws also required Christians to bring their guns to church. During the American Revolution, pastors led soldiers into battle and preached while holding rifles. God and guns have never been at odds in the United States.
What Does the Bible Say about Guns?
It’s important to consider the Old and New Testament together when seeking guidance on contemporary issues. Jesus Christ brought a Gospel of peace and love, but His Word also includes the principles of Old Testament law. For instance, Exodus 22:2 says, “If a thief is caught breaking in and is struck so that he dies, the defender is not guilty of bloodshed.”
That passage may be sound guidance with regard to self-defense and the need for Christians to stand ready at houses of worship. Furthermore, weapon ownership is both prevalent and not discouraged in The Bible. Taken as a whole, Christians should not shy away from responsible gun ownership. Given the rising acts by evil-doers, it’s time for Christians to arm themselves and be prepared to defend the Faithful in the House of the Lord.
~ Christian Patriot Daily