“He that is wounded in the stones, or that hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 23:1)
Jesus only wants real men in His service, men who could easily be accused of “toxic masculinity” in modern America. If there is anyone in leadership in America today that embodies a eunuch, wounded in the stones and with their privy members cut off, it is the establishment leadership of the Republican Party. Witness the swift decapitation of Congressman Steve King (R-IA) in order to appease the high priestesses of political correctness. Rep. King was tried and convicted by the Republican leadership based on an outright lie by the New York Times.
Rep. King’s only crime was that he was foolish enough to sit down for an interview with the New York Times. Just as a word of advice for any Christians who haven’t figured it out yet: Satan is not going to give you a fair shake if you allow him to tell your side of the story.
All Christians could take a lesson from President Trump on this point. If you want to truly get your side of the story out to the people, do not allow the fake news media to filter it through their Satanic lens. Talk directly to the people instead.
No doubt you’ve seen or heard the alleged quote by Steve King by now. The New York Times stated in a front-page story that King told them, “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization – How did THAT language become offensive?” That is a laughably stupid statement. Only a fool would look at that and believe that Congressman King had stated that. And here comes the GOP establishment, right on cue!
Instead of checking with Rep. King to see if he actually said that, nearly every Fox News anchor and every prominent Republican in Congress denounced King. There is NO PLACE for Steve King’s comments in the US Congress. King is an embarrassment, a horrible person. No decent person could say such a thing and still remain in office. Democrats didn’t even have to pipe up. Republicans in Congress were doing their work for them nicely.
The Republican leadership immediately held an emergency meeting and stripped King of ALL of his committee assignments in Congress. Rep. King is a Catholic, yet the Republican leadership genuflected before the media as if they were 16th-century Flagellants whipping themselves to keep away the plague. The vote on the Republican Steering Committee was unanimous.
Sen. Mitt Romney expressed the sentiments of the entire Republican leadership by stating that King should resign because there is NO PLACE in Congress for someone as icky as him.
Keep in mind that not a single Republican who has denounced King felt that it was necessary to push to censure Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib when she called the President of the United States a “motherf****r” on camera. There’s a place for her in Congress – but not Steve King. Another thing to keep in mind is that by the time King had been stripped of ALL of his committee assignments, no one had bothered to ask him if the New York Times quote was accurate or true.
King released a statement which clearly shows that the New York Times quoted him out of context and inaccurately to make it sound as if he were lamenting that white supremacy is a derogatory term. What King said, in fact, was this:
“Slanderous labels have been increasingly assigned to Conservatives by the Left, who injected into our current political dialogue such terms as Nazi, Fascist, white nationalist, white supremacist. Western civilization, how did THAT language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization, just to watch ‘Western civilization’ become a derogatory term in political discourse today?”
When reading Rep. King’s comment in full and in context, it is clear that he was not claiming that Nazis and Fascists are inoffensive. The New York Times lied – as it ALWAYS does – and in response, the GOP eunuchs tried, convicted and hanged Rep. King without bothering to ask him for the truth.
King was not allowed to call any witnesses in his defense or to produce any counter evidence until after the damage was done. And that’s why you never sit down and allow Satan to tell your side of the story.