Here’s a surprise: Hillary Clinton caught herself lying mid-interview. In the interview, you can clearly hear her change her answer from “two” to “a few.”
While she is known for bending the truth to her will, a few quick facts shed more light on her health situation. No one in her entourage was surprised or caught off guard by the event. They are clearly very practiced at handling an ongoing health issue. The only difference with this collapse was that it was in view of the public.
Also it should be noted that no one else at the anniversary event-which included thousands of people-overheated during the ceremony. She was the only one.
Just in case this isn’t a clear enough reminder of how the Clinton campaign will tell any lie necessary to further their ends, here’s a quick reminder of some of Hillary’s boldest claims. She claimed she left the White House broke and in debt, when public record clearly shows otherwise. She claimed to land under sniper fire, when video evidence is quite the contrary, and, of course, she claimed she didn’t know that “C” was for classified.