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Hillary Changes Her Story on Emails for the 4th Time. See What She’s Saying Now

Here we go again — Hillary Clinton continues to change her story on her email scandal after already changing it three times. First, Clinton tried to claim that her personal email server that she set up at home contained no messages with classified information.

When that was proven false by the FBI, Clinton altered her story to claim that none of the emails were classified when she sent or received them. But even that was shown to be false as the FBI was able to point to dozens of messages containing such information.

Then, Clinton tried to twist the truth again, claiming that she had no way to discern that the information was secret or classified. But now we know that’s not true either — several of the emails contained a “(c)” mark before the main text, which is commonly used in the State Department to denote confidential material.

In this video, Clinton, like her husband who famously said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman [Monica Lewinsky],” is picking nits when she says, “Classified material has a header, which says ‘Top Secret,’ ‘Secret’ [or] ‘Confidential’… None of the emails sent or received by me had such a header.”

Technically, Clinton is right; they did not use those EXACT words. Instead, they used codes such as the aforementioned “(c)” mark or other markings, such as “(sbu),” for “Sensitive, But Unclassified.”

It’s trademark Clinton to skate by on this technicality — by using what is commonly known as “lawyerspeak.” How long will it be before voters finally hold her accountable for her actions?

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