During one Presidential debate, Donald Trump famously said he’d put Hillary Clinton in jail if elected president. Throughout the election Donald even referred to her as Crooked Hillary.
Coming up with catching nicknames is nothing new in politics. Former president George W. Bush had nicknames for many cabinet members and close advisors. Of course, nothing close to “Crooked Hillary” and “Little Marco.”
After winning the election though, Donald seemed to perform an about face when it came to Hillary Clinton with regards to lying to Congress and obstruction of justice (something she should have known not to do after watching her husband commit nearly the same exact crimes).
But why? He certainly still has the support from his voter base to do so. During his inauguration when Hillary was announced the crowds chanted relentlessly, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”
Furthermore why, just in case, didn’t former President Obama pardon Hillary Clinton before leaving office?
There are a few reasons as to why Obama decided not to pardon Hillary. The first may simply be a selfish reason. Donald Trump ran a campaign to undo much of what Obama did over eight years. Because Hillary ran such a poor campaign and lost, Obama’s legacy as president will nearly be completely erased from history. It’s possible he simply was upset with her. And the other reason? Find out more in the video below.