It seems Hillary Clinton has always had a chip on her shoulder about the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — better known to most people as the right to bear arms. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton have consistently taken the side of gun control and those who would promote gun control. In 1993 Hillary, then First Lady, said she wanted to see an across-the-board tax increase for gun dealers of 25 percent on all gun sales.
When he was president, Bill Clinton forced gun maker Smith & Wesson to come to the negotiating table and agree to make wholesale design changes to their firearms and to entirely restructure their distribution and dealer networks.
Hillary Clinton has expressed her desire, if elected president, to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a law that currently protects gun manufacturers and dealers from liability related to crimes committed with guns they happen to have sold. Such an action could eventually force every major gun manufacturer and dealer in the country to go out of business rather than face the risk of lawsuits.