Military experts—U.S. and abroad—were shocked when at Wednesday night’s presidential debate Hillary Clinton revealed a national security secret to the entire world!
Hillary Clinton aggressively tried to make Americans believe that Donald Trump is unfit to be president and shouldn’t have access to nuclear launch codes because of his lack of self-control. What is deplorable though is that during her rant against Donald Trump she told the entire world the U.S.’s response time in launching nuclear weapons.
“Here’s the deal,” Clinton said to debate moderator Chris Wallace (and the entire world), “The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons doing so.”
It’s alarming that Hillary Clinton so casually talks about national security secrets and procedures! And she thinks its fine to share this kind of information with a global audience.
The democratic nominee for president has proven time and time again she cannot be trusted with confidential information and national secrets. Her admission at Wednesday night’s debate is almost as sloppy as thinking a home based server would be protected from hackers and using it to send emails containing national secrets while working as Secretary of State.