Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been very open in her disdain of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s idea to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S. She has even go so far as to suggest he is bigoted against Latinos for wanting to build such a wall.
But what Democrat darling Hillary Clinton is forgetting is that while her husband Bill was in office he built a 325 mile fence along the border between California and Mexico in 1993 with Hillary’s “strong support.”
Perhaps she’ll claim-like she has before-that she forgot Bill built a wall to protect Americans from illegal immigrants.
Maybe she’ll remember more clearly when we show her the clip below from 2008 that shows her taking questions from the crowd while campaigning against then Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination for president.
She has some pretty interesting things to say about building ‘barriers’ -as she likes to call them- between the U.S. and Mexico. In fact what she says sounds a lot like what Mr. Trump is saying now.
What’s even more telling is that earlier this year Lying Hillary was forced to admit she voted several times to increase the strength of the ‘”barrier” between the two countries.
In 2006 Clinton voted for H.R. 6061, the Secure Fence Act, which was designed to create 700 miles of a double-layered fence designed to prevent crossings by both people and cars.
Watch the clip below to see Lying Hillary proudly proclaim her support for building a wall. Wonder how she’ll try to deny this one.