So, Hillary wants open borders across the Americas. Does that really sound so bad? Isn’t increased cooperation a good thing?
Ideally, that would be true, but Hillary’s motives are anything but a reflection on cooperation and goodwill. Most obviously, opening borders would bring in millions of voters to the U.S. who don’t have sufficient education to understand why so many leftist policies are dangerous and destructive.
More importantly, this is very revealing of Hillary’s true nature. She genuinely believes that empowering a central government is the only way to make a better world. She has zero faith that hard-working Americans can make their own destinies and bring productive change without intervention from politicians, despite more than 200 years of evidence to the contrary.
Mostly, this point of view shows that she is actually arrogant enough to believe that she is the only viable hope for lower class citizens. Donald Trump may come from wealth, but he is still able to recognize the power of working-class America.
Hillary is so out of touch with the groups she claims to represent that she has already dismissed them as anything other than pawns in her schemes.
When politicians no longer believe in their people, government stops working. If you want recent evidence, look no further than Brexit, and the British analysts in this video do a great job clarifying.