Hillary will do and say anything to get a vote, especially the Hispanic vote! Without this critical demographic, Clinton’s Democratic campaign will surely be in trouble.
But instead of truly caring about issues important to Hispanic voters, Hillary has only given lip service to them and has flip-flopped on policies both she and her husband have campaigned for in the past, such as more border guards on the U.S.’s Mexican border, more illegal immigrants under arrest and more of deportations from the U.S.
Even as Hillary has protested Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall on our southern border, she herself had voted to build a double-fenced barrier in 2006 as part of the Secure Fence Act, which was designed to reduce illegal border crossings, security threats and drug trafficking. At least 613 miles of the barrier were built, and Clinton is on record as having vigorously campaigned for the construction of it.
She was also in favor of the deployment of 1,000 additional border security agents in 1997 by her husband during his second administration. But now, Clinton wants to expand President Obama’s policies of more open borders and stays of deportation. She wants to close illegal alien detention centers and ignore people who overstay their visas.
By contrast, if Trump is elected, he’s vowed to put any undocumented foreign nationals in the U.S. at risk for deportation, end sanctuary cities and force an extreme vetting process for all would-be immigrants.