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How Donald Trump Can Knock Out Hillary Clinton

Trump can take Clinton out. Here’s how: by focusing on the issues Donald Trump Jr. brings up in this video clip and continuing to hammer away at them. Trump can remind voters that it’s issues such as these that matter — precisely the issues Hillary Clinton shied away from at the debate — or worse, lied about.

Survey after survey shows that what matters most to Americans is the economy — and that means jobs. Not service-sector jobs like serving food and drinks in the neighborhood bar, but real jobs making real products. Today’s economy under our Democratic president is worse than it was in 2007 before he took office.

And yet, in that same time frame, Barack Obama has doubled the national debt. The people who need help the most — people in urban communities, such as African-Americans and other minorities — are just as badly off as they were years, if not decades ago, under continuous local Democratic governments.

As Donald Trump Jr. says, the time is ripe for change; the system cannot continue to work as it has — the machine is broken, and the people know it.

Hillary Clinton was bold enough to say in the debate that she would raise taxes, but if one looks closely at her tax plan, it won’t be just for rich people; it will be for middle-class Americans as well — the people who can least afford it, given the state of voters’ finances.

If Trump focuses like a laser on these issues, he can knock Hillary out on Election Day.

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