The United States under Barack Obama has remained rather mum on fighting ISIS for the most part. This, despite the fact that President Obama essentially created ISIS when it removed all troops from the region. The area of Iraq, Iran and nearby portions of the Middle East has been under a dictatorship dating back to tribal days. Due to this, when the U.S. pulled up and left, it left a power vacuum.
Usually when one dictator is removed another more evil takes its place. Why? Without a stable government in control it left the door open for a group like ISIS to rise up and take over. It has been well documented not only what ISIS has done in the region but how it has helped spread terror throughout the world.
One of the most evil things the group is doing is capturing non-Muslim women and children in the area and selling them into the sex trade.
ISIS views women as objects. Akin to animals, they do with the women as they please. However, there is profit from selling women-especially ones who don’t support ISIS’ religious views—into the sex trade. Money made off of this helps fund ISIS, which is why the terrorist organization is selling Christian women and children in record numbers.
As other world governments clamp down on ISIS, removing financial revenues, this is one of the last remaining options available. For a full report on the targeting of Christian women and children by ISIS, watch the video. Just know, the video does have some graphic imagery.