Vice-President Joe Biden has always been someone who spoke his mind. In fact, he has landed himself in trouble with the Obama administration time and time again for saying what is on his mind. He is at it again and this time he’s said what he thinks about Hillary.
In a recent interview, Vice-President Biden stated Hillary doesn’t try to reach out to the middle class. He said she doesn’t speak to them and more or less assumes they are going to vote for her, basically because of her last name.
Of course, people who vote for Hillary based on her last name do so because they don’t understand what Bill Clinton actually did to this country.
Democrats will always say how wonderful President Bill Clinton was for the economy. The problem with this is anything a president does can take years to truly affect the economy.
Clinton signed into law NAFTA, which send hundreds of thousands of jobs to Mexico. He signed into law the housing agreement which caused the giving of subprime loans, which caused millions of Americans to lose their homes. All of this came from Bill Clinton laws signed while he was in office. These terrible laws will continue if Hillary has her way with it.