Michael Moore?! The same Michael Moore who made Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine and so many other liberal propaganda pieces? The very Michael Moore who has been heralded by extremists as a leading voice for western socialism?
You’re telling me that this video is of the famous Michael Moore who made his name by founding a liberal magazine and furthered his career by vociferously opposing George W. Bush at every chance?
To think that such a proponent for the hardest of left-wing ideologies could so eloquently, surprisingly and even inspiringly describe the true essence of the Trump campaign is beyond shocking.
If a person, so hardened against conservatism as Mr. Moore is, can see through the ridiculous circus of vitriol that is the mainstream media and understand what is driving so many Americans into Trump’s camp, then maybe this country isn’t quite as crazy as it feels.
Don’t take anyone’s word for it. Hear Moore’s words with your own ears. Listen to how perfectly he describes Trump’s value, the mentality of Middle Class America and nearly violent urge to use the power of voting to finally upend an entrenched political system that long ago forgot the concept of serving its people.