Throughout his entire presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised he would make America Great again. One way he can do this is by cutting the deficit. According to the US Debt Clock Organization, the current debt of the nation sits at nearly $20 trillion.
Now, there is no way to actually cut $20 trillion out of the budget in a single year. The entire country would essentially need to shut down (while this might sound good initially, it really wouldn’t work).
However, money can be cut from unnecessary programs, poorly run government entitlement funds, bad trade deals, and from other areas in a printed budget that is larger than any textbook you’ve ever seen. By shaving away money from these different areas, it is more than possible to cut out billions of dollars, if not more, in a single year, and within time, eliminate the entire debt.
Donald Trump has already started out on the right foot, cutting out $400,000 by not accepting the presidential salary, of which he does not need. But of course, like with everything else Trump does, the liberal lunatics of the radical left found this to be a problem.
The liberal media is saying “if it is good enough for George Washington, it should be good enough for Donald Trump.” Of course, liberals leave out the fact that George Washington didn’t want the pay either—he tried to refuse it.
Maybe the liberal media should do a bit more research into the topic before speaking.
Or perhaps they are upset that by law, the President needs to make a certain amount more than Congress…which theoretically means all of Congress would need to work for free as well. Either way, watch these liberal losers in the media lose their minds over Trump’s heroic decision to not accept the president’s salary.