Was it merely a slip of the tongue, or a Freudian slip? Hillary Clinton’s told supporters at a rally in Omaha, Nebraska that she would raise taxes on middle-class citizens, a statement that drew instant cheers from the audience.
Makes you wonder if the audience was made up of paid seat-fillers as at previous Clinton rallies, or if the crowd would have clapped at anything that came out of Clinton’s mouth!
With famed business investor and wealthy Democratic Party donor Warren Buffett seated behind her, Clinton appeared to misspeak as both she and Buffett have suggested raising taxes on the wealthy, not the middle class, in the past.
Indeed, Clinton’s tax plans would have those earning $250,000 per year or more (who already pay more than half the country’s total income taxes) paying a still-higher share of the country’s total tax burden. But Clinton’s campaign promises will also raise taxes on middle-class citizens, in ways that likely will not leave them cheering.