San Diego is one of the largest border cities in the United States. The busiest border in terms of goods moved is Detroit and Windsor, Canada. However, if you look at border traffic simply based on the number of people crossing, the San Diego into Tijuana is far larger than any other location, both the North border and the South border (including El Paso into Juarez).
Due to this, there is a very large Hispanic community within San Diego as many immigrants do remain close to the border. San Diego (and most of Southern California) is also a hot spot for illegal immigrants as well.
Illegal border crossings take place throughout much of the Southern border. Crossing into California is ideal for illegals as it is a Democrat run state, providing additional benefits while being less likely to deport those inside the country illegally. That is exactly why recent statements at a concert in San Diego are co critical to this year’s election.
Univision, a popular Mexican television station and one found in the United States, put on a concert in San Diego. During the concert, one performer told the crowd that San Diego belongs to Mexico. This is a foreign nation staking claim on an American city and an important reason as to why border security needs to be drastically improved.