Recently, Vice President-Elect Mike Pence took his daughter and a cousin to see the Broadway show “Hamilton” in New York City. Following the conclusion of the show, the cast came out and read a speech directed towards Vice President Mike Pence.
Some believe this not to be the correct method of making such a soapbox statement as people are there to be entertained through the show and not be lectured to. The statement blew up on social media with both Republicans and Democrats commenting on it.
Even President-Elect took to Twitter to comment on it, stating it was rude of the cast to make such a statement during the show. However, Mike Pence took a very classy road to the entire Hamilton cast diss.
Mike Pence, in an interview on Fox News Sunday, said that he did not take it as an insult and also told his daughter that “this is what freedom sounds like.” People have the ability to voice their opinions, whether it is the correct forum or not.
Now, naturally, the left will not listen to this statement and will continue to chastise the President and VP-Elect, even though they have not spent a single day in office yet.
If the entire country can take the same approach Mike Pence did, it will make the entire nation a better place. To hear more of Mike Pence’s response to the comments, make sure to check out the video below for more info.