Milo Yiannopoulos is an outspoken conservative activist and political speaker who happens to be both British and gay. Yiannopoulos has appeared at numerous speaking events on college campuses around the country and has drawn the ire of faculties, students and college administrations, some of which have banned him from their schools in acts of overt political correctness.
In this clip, a Latina student interviewed prior to one of these events speaks about her political opinions and why her conservative views may be different than what her college peers’ expectations of them may be.
It’s stereotyping people to say that all Hispanics are Democrats or even that all members of minority groups are. In this most recent presidential election, Republican candidate Donald Trump drew twice the support of Latinos that GOP candidate Mitt Romney received in the election of 2012.
Many Hispanic voters actually agreed with Trump’s immigration policies and are just as concerned about border security in the United States as their non-minority counterparts.
And why is a woman who just happens to be Latina not able to hold her own political views, rather than being expected to adopt “standard” ones simply because she’s a member of a certain demographic group?
Watch this clip, and you can see that she is intelligent, considered and articulate with her opinions and not shy to express them.