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New Black Panthers Party Leader Rips Hillary over Treatment of Black Americans

The Black Panthers are one of the most staunchly anti-conservative groups in America, and they have been for decades. When their leaders take the time to attack Hillary Clinton and the first black president Barak Obama and support Republican candidate Donald Trump, the statement is powerful.

For more than 50 years Democrats have taken black votes for granted on empty promises. They have tricked the communities into ever increasing dependence on social programs that are designed to keep minorities down.

The issues facing black Americans are severe and unjust, and yet, President Obama has primarily ignored any viable solutions. He has baited racial tensions to distract the public from scrutinizing his inaction.

More importantly, he has pushed the majority of black America into an even worse position by patronizing the lowest denominator and enabling an escalation of force against police, escalating the potential for retaliation and increased violence all around.

Americans are growing leery. The empty promises of the Democratic Party are aimed to get votes at the expense of the people’s best interests. If 50 years and a black president haven’t been enough to achieve positive change, another four under Hillary will be more of the same story.

You don’t have to like Donald Trump for his words to carry truth. In fact, that’s the bulk of dissent against him, but regardless of how harsh reality is, he is the candidate who acknowledges that bad in the world, and he is the one proposing real change.

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