Election fraud is a very real problem. Anyone who suggest otherwise is a liar. Apparently that is exactly what President Obama is as he has come out and stated there is no such thing and that Donald Trump should “stop whining” about more than likely election fraud.
For anyone who has been paying attention, it is rather obvious just how much fraud has been going on and how the Democratic machine is corrupting just about everything, from the news (notice there is nothing about Hillary Clinton’s Wikileak material and everything is focused on what Donald Trump said during an off air, joking interview for an entertainment show) to the primary election itself (like Bernie or not, the Democrats set the system up against him so Hillary would win).
What’s incredibly disturbing is this throwback video we found of President Obama trying to allay the fears of one of his supporters that the upcoming election is not rigged. Why is that disturbing? Because of his answer.
The president himself seems to indicate that Democrats rig elections and that the only way he will win is by keeping them in charge of the voting machines.
Watch the video and see for yourself how President Obama confirms the idea that elections are rigged by the Democrats.
The only thing deplorable here is our president.