When the Democratic Party, headed by President Obama, wanted to push through the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obamacare,” they said it wouldn’t raise the price of insurance for those who already have it yet it would cover millions of Americans who don’t.
Well, this turned out to be a giant falsehood. While there are a few individuals who now receive coverage off the backs of others, tens of millions of other Americans now have to pay two and three times the amount they had, all for less coverage.
And now, President Obama has gone on record to state he is not responsible for Obamacare premiums rising.
This is a classic example of someone not taking responsibility for their actions. It is also a classic example of the Democratic Party.
Obamacare is costing individuals far more than ever before, and yet he won’t accept responsibility. This is an insurance bubble that will continue to balloon out until it bursts.
Just like the housing crisis, which was caused by then President Clinton signing into act a law, mandating banks to provide home loans for individuals who did not necessarily qualify because as he put it, owning a home is the “American Dream.” This resulted in the development of subprime loans, and was a huge reason why the economy nose-dived in 2010. All thanks to Bill Clinton, who hasn’t ever taken responsibility.
This doesn’t even include NAFTA, which sent millions of American manufacturing jobs to Mexico. All of these issues are Democratic problems, yet they don’t want to take responsibility for it.
Watch the insane video below where President Obama tries to explain why he is not responsible for rapidly rising health care premiums for most Americans this year. You’ll be disgusted just as we were.