Outrageous. Obama shows his true globalist stripes in this memorable clip from his recent address to the United Nations. Obama literally says that Americans must submit to “constraints” and must “give up some freedom of action” in favor of meddling globalist mandates — showing America and the world where his true loyalties lie.
This is the same president who wants to let the UN dictate how our local police forces should operate, how we should run our immigration policies and how we should test our nuclear weapons. This is the same president who wants to invite over 100,000 refugees to come and reside in the United States in the next year alone.
What’s obvious is that this is also a president who’s on his way out of the White House; his final day cannot come soon enough.
It’s also none too subtle that one of Obama’s clear ambitions is to take over as Secretary General of the UN — possibly as early as when his term as president ends in 2017, an ambition that’s drawn fire from many sources, including the Isreali government, among others.