President-Elect Trump officially stunned the world on election night. Not only did he win the presidency but he did so in dominating fashion, ultimately winning over 300 electorate votes. The main prize of the night served up to Donald came in the form of a nearly clean sweep of the valuable Rust Belt, with wins in the almost always blue Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
There are a million different ways to analyze it, but the fact of the matter is, against all odds, a rigged system and media coverage against Donald and really everything else the opposition threw at him, Donald Trump will become the 45th President of the United States.
After it becoming official, Donald began receiving phone calls and messages from different world leaders, the first being Russia’s President Putin.
What were Putin’s first words to Trump?
According to sources, Putin congratulated Donald, and expressed hope that the two nations could finally repair relationships in order to become a cordial partnership.
The fact of the matter is Russia and the United States have a very long, complicated history. We’ve been at odds with each other for so many years that we can’t remember a time when we were friends.
Nobody is saying the United States and Russia needs to be old pals, but the world is a better place with two super powers working together for the greater good. For more information, make sure to check out the video for added insights into Putin and Russia.