Want to get a good look at two-faced Michelle Obama?
A quick rewind through the video archives shows that in 2008, when her husband was running against Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, Michelle Obama struck a low blow against Clinton, telling the crowd at a women’s fundraiser on Chicago’s South side that “if you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House!” — referring to Clinton’s inability to control her husband Bill’s infidelities — both within the White House and outside it.
Flash forward to 2016, and Michelle Obama is campaigning for Hillary as if they’re the best of friends and she never said any of those things. Talk about hypocrisy!
And taking a look at this older clip shows that Michelle Obama can be downright nasty if and when she wants to be. In fact, it’s hard to tell who’s the more disingenuous spouse — Michelle or Hillary?