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Restaurant Manager Refuses to Serve Veteran

Veterans Day around the country often brings out the best in businesses as they give back to our nations veterans. Chili’s, the national food chain serving American and Tex-Mex style food, held a promotion offering a free meal to veterans on Veteran’s Day. However, one Chili’s manager decided to take the free meal away from the veteran simply because another customer, an older man, questioned his service.

Some people believe they are more “American” than others. While it is great to have pride in the stars and stripes, those who serve this great country are the true heroes. They put it all on the line and potentially risk everything.

It’s especially troubling when someone questions a veteran’s commitment simply because the soldier was wearing a hat indoors. Now, its true times have changed. There was a time where wearing a hat indoors was seen as impolite. However, this, in general, is no longer recognized, so wearing a hat while eating now is common place.

Despite this veteran having his military ID on him, the restaurant manager still decided to take the meal away. Ultimately, this military individual should have been able to enjoy his meal in peace, but instead was humiliated in front of other restaurant goers.

It really shows that not only do veterans come from all walks of life with different personal codes of conduct (such as wearing a hat indoors), it is important to honor them.

Find out why you should boycott Chili’s restaurants and all that this soldier had to go through by checking out the video below.

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