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See Hillary’s Campaign Manager FLOP Trying to Explain Away Hillary’s Email Scandal

At last, it seems the media is now getting tough on Hillary Clinton. Even mainstream liberal outlets like MSNBC are finally asking tough questions about Clinton’s use of a private email server to send and receive classified government emails.

In the last several weeks, MSNBC, Fox News and CNN have all raised important points regarding Clinton’s emails that the Clinton camp has clearly been uncomfortable answering. Perhaps if Clinton’s story didn’t keep changing or if she chose to tell the truth for once, this matter might have been long since dealt with.

But as Clinton keeps obfuscating and has taken steps to hide information (including having her consultants delete hard drives even after they were subpoenaed), this affair is truly the story that won’t die.

In fact, journalists such as Bob Woodward have compared her email scandal to Watergate under former President Richard Nixon (who Clinton helped to try to impeach). One could make the argument that voting for Clinton now would be like voting for Nixon — after Watergate.

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