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Senators Considered Superheroes for Saving Funding of Organization That Kills Babies

When most people think of superheroes, they think of someone who rescues people and saves lives. Even regular people can be everyday heroes by doing something courageous or being a voice for those who don’t have one. But apparently Planned Parenthood views certain Senators as superheroes and even delivered superhero capes that said, “I Stand with Planned Parenthood.” It seems quite the paradox that a group of people who voted not to defund Planned Parenthood – an organization that kills 887 defenseless babies every day – are considered superheroes.

The defunding of Planned Parenthood was tied into the healthcare reform bill that would have repealed and replaced Obamacare, which is something President Trump had repeatedly promised to do. Even Vice President Pence had said, “Congress is going to vote to repeal and replace Obamacare. And when they vote to repeal and replace Obamacare, we will finally defund Planned Parenthood.”

If the final vote of 49-51 would have come out differently, Planned Parenthood would have been defunded for one year by blocking funding from Medicaid. Employers would have also been able to deny coverage for birth control.

Planned Parenthood celebrated by delivering superhero capes to all of the Democrat Senators, along with three Republican Senators: Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, and John McCain.

The abortion provider posted a photo on Twitter of the pink and white capes along with this caption: “We’re delivering #IStandWithPP capes to all the senators who voted against #Trumpcare. Thank you for protecting our care!” Another tweet said, “Thanks to all the heroes who helped stop Trumpcare.”

Since he had campaigned on repealing Obamacare, Senator McCain is being harshly criticized by both Republicans and the pro-life community. McCain is said to have pro-life views and has stated he would be in favor of a Constitutional amendment that would ban abortions. At one time he also believed Roe v Wade should be overturned. Now that he is being embraced by an organization that kills babies, many people who oppose abortion are feeling betrayed by McCain.

Planned Parenthood receives $550 million in taxpayer funding every year. They justify needing this much money because of the low-cost birth control they offer and the women’s cancer screenings they provide. However, Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms and they perform less than 2 percent of all cancer screenings for women in this country.

The organization claims that abortions makes up only 3 percent of their business. In 2015, there were 320,000 abortions performed at Planned Parenthood and for every one adoption referral, they killed 160 babies.

Other important statistics regarding the healthcare services Planned Parenthood provides include:

  • They perform only .97 percent of all Pap smears in the country
  • They perform only 1.8 percent of all physical breast exams (which are different from mammograms)
  • They perform 30.6% of all abortions nationwide

According to Lila Rose, president and founder of the pro-life group, Live Action, “Planned Parenthood calculates its ridiculous 3 percent statistic to deliberately mislead the public and downplay its abortion business. The figure is derived by dividing the number of abortions it does by the total number of services it provides, counting a $10 pregnancy test or a pack of condoms the same as a $500 abortion.”

While it is true that the Hyde Amendment prohibits federal funds from being used for abortions, it is clear that taxpayer funding does indeed keep Planned Parenthood in business. This allows them to perform abortions every single day in nearly every state in the country.

According to Planned Parenthood, “the Hyde Amendment is a dangerous and unfair policy that lets politicians interfere in a woman’s personal health care decisions.” They also believe that when a woman’s insurance won’t pay for an abortion, it forces her to carry the pregnancy to term or to pay for maternity care herself.

Planned Parenthood advocates ignore the fact that there are many other types of pregnancy crisis centers that offer free services including limited ultrasounds and prenatal classes. Other healthcare clinics also offer a broader range of services for women, including mammograms. Many people, including politicians, agree that taxpayer money should be going to these types of clinics instead of Planned Parenthood, which is what part of the healthcare bill aimed to do.

Of the failed vote, President Trump took to Twitter and had this to say: “3 Republicans and 48 Democrats let the American people down. As I said from the beginning, let ObamaCare implode, then deal. Watch!”

~ Christian Patriot Daily

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